Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Special Visit

The Happy Gathering

An Exciting Round of Catch Phrase

Enjoying a story from Great-Grandma!

Deciding what to have for lunch...

Sitting with Uncle Ralph

Grandpa performing a puppet show for my favorite girl!

Friday, June 4, 2010

AWC Sr. Trip

Stephen was the senior class sponsor so we got to go on their trip to Cincinnati, Ohio. This is the excited group!

Here we are at the Creation Mueseum. It was an amazing experience!

This is us in the "Garden of Eden"

Stephen pretends to be scared of the motorized dinosaur.

Julia at the petting zoo. However, she didn't pet many animals.

A family shot in the garden at the Creation Museum. It was a beautiful day!

Julia's little "boyfriend" Jordan was on the trip. Their birthdays are two days apart!

So Proud of My Sis!

Christy was so happy to finish nursing school! We were thrilled to be a part of the pinning ceremony. She was absolutely glowing on the stage!

Julia snuck in for a quick picture with her Aunt Christy.

Christy and her littlest supporter! Aren't they cute together?